30 months
Well, I ended up skipping out on posting last week. It was just crazy around here with my mom being in town and then I got this crazy urge to paint all the doors and baseboards in almost the whole house. I’m weird, I know. But, I am almost finished. Just have to finish up the kiddos’ rooms (which is difficult considering I can’t paint when they are around, but not when they nap either!). We got to do some fun things this week. We are doing “P” is for pumpkins, which is a lot of fun. Hopefully on Saturday we can make it to a pumpkin patch with daddy (he has been working every Saturday this month). Anyway, on to our week of fun!
I believe this is the “P is for pumpkin” page from COAH. And we used these cool marker/paint things that, for the life of me, I can’t remember what they actually are ;)
This page is also from COAH. It is actually supposed to be a puzzle, where you only have 1 apple of each color and cut it into 2 pieces and match them. But, Moo-Bear does not like those (she is kind of particular about the pieces staying together). So, I just printed 2 copies and glued one to make a file folder game. She actually did this like 3-4 times, which is a record for her to do much of anything!
Here is our calendar. She really just had un playing with all the pieces, putting them all over the place ;)
I got this idea for a Halloween sensory bin from Counting Coconuts. It has black beans, orange pom-poms, orange pipe cleaners, plastic spiders/bugs, Halloween erasers, plastic skeletons, pumpkins, and of course tools for scooping and pouring. She loves it and we probably played with it every day!
I believe I got this pumpkin number page from 2 Teaching Mommies. She didn’t really get the whole maze idea, but she had fun coloring. I let her use markers and taught her how to turn it upside down and push hard to get the lid to snap on ;)
I got this lacing pumpkin from COAH. She put the pipe cleaner through one hole, one time and then said she was all done. She is not a big fan of lacing;)
I hid some foam pumpkin stickers in a bowl of pasta. She has more fun eating the pasta than finding the pumpkins ;)
I think I got this idea from My Giggly Girls or over at 1+1+1=1 (maybe both, I just don’t remember). Anyway, she loves this (of course she has to sneak a noodle or 2). She wanted to do this every day and one day she had a little friend over and showed him how to do it ;)
We practiced gluing today! I got the memory verse from Totally Tots (In my heart) and cut it out for her. I showed her how we glue on the side that doesn’t have writing and then flip it over onto the paper. When daddy got home she kept asking him if she could glue some more!
We got out the playdough and the Halloween cookie cutters. She didn’t do a whole lot with this. For some reason she isn’t really into playdough. We get it out and like 2 seconds later she is all done. I try showing her some things to do, but maybe I should just be thankful I don’t have to clean up the mess :)
And this day she probably did 10-13 puzzles in a row. She would finish one, put it away and pull out another one! She is getting so good at doing the puzzles where each piece has an obvious spot. So, I pulled out one that the pieces connect and she didn’t like that one. We will keep trying!
So, there was most of our week. She is just so much fun and it is amazing to watch her learn new things! Today I overheard her counting to 5 in Spanish. My sister asked me if I taught her that or Dora…ummm, it was Dora ;)
Check out 1+1+1=1 for more great ideas!!
Looks like a fun week!! We didn't really do much of anything.