Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tot School

Tot School
26 months

Once again we have been taking it easy. We mostly did lots of free play this week and had a blast!

Wearing both her tutu's to play dress-up!

Love the hat :)

She is finally getting how to blow bubbles! She thinks it's great!

Watching the bubbles go up and over the house.

I just thought this was a cute one!

She loves to run around the yard and pick up the "hay".

Found this lawn mower at a garage sale for $.50!!

Little man likes to hang out in the backyard in his jumperoo while we play!

Wearing my nursing cover-up and playing with bubbles!

We spent a lot of time this week playing outside and enjoying the hot weather! Head over to 1+1+1=1 for some more great ideas!


  1. My daughter is totally into dress up now too! They are so cute!

  2. I think you got picture of most of our "favorite" things in our family right now... dress-up, bubbles, lawn mowers & exersaucers. :)
    Have a great day!
